
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Home Economics

On March the 27th in home economics we made Hot cross buns.

Who i worked with:
Jason, Ansh, Manase.

1 c. whole wheat flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. shortening such as butter
1 tbsp. honey
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 c. raisins
1/3 c. milk

1/2 c. confections' sugar
2 tsp. milk
1/4 tsp. vanilla

What we need to work on:
keeping to time. and make them bigger

What we did good:
We made our food taste good.


Wednesday 21 March 2018


Today in science we used coke for our experiment, we poured coke into something called a conical flask, which we used to transfer the coke into the test tube that is cooling down in the cup of ice.
First we inserted the Bunsen burner to the helium gas pipe which we turned on and then we lit the fire above the Bunsen burner

Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation

Equipment: A solution of salt water, conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube and bung.

  1.  Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.
  2.  Add approximately 50 ml of salt water to your conical flask.
  3.  Light your Bunsen burner. Open the air hole and gently push the Bunsen burner under the tripod 
  4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off you Bunsen burner.

Wonder Pg 81-117

  1. Explain how the point of view in part 2 is different from that in part 1? Do they match up? The point of view is different cause its focusing on Via not August
  2. In at least a paragraph, describe the challenges do you think Via might face being Augusts sister? That she feels sorry for him
  3. Via says “August is the Sun.” Explain what she means and why she feels this way? Shes meaning that August is a bright kid because she doesn't want him to feel bad.
  4. Do you agree with Via that she and her parents have made a mistake by always trying to make August feel like he is normal? Is this a problem? Explain. No, because everybody makes august feel like hes not normal, but if his sister and his parents treat him normally then he will get use to it and it won't bother him anymore.
  5. Why does Via go by Olivia at high school? How is Via finding high school? She likes being called Olivia because of her name and her school have different sort.
  6. What are the odds of Via having a child that looks like August? Do you think these are good odds? Explain. I don't really know but, it might be a 50% chance of being like August
  7. Explore the character Miranda? Why did she call August at the end of Part 2? Explain. She called him major tom? because it was part of the space oddity song
  8. Describe Via as a character? Do you empathise with her? Via is a nice and caring sister and likes to help August.
  9. What do you think will happen to August when he returns to school? He will have a lot more friends and people will not be that mean to him.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Spiced Apple Muffin

In Home Economics we made Spiced apple muffins.  13/3/18

Who i made it with:
i made them with Ansh and Tana.

What went wrong:
Our Muffins weren't made properly and were sticky.

What We need to improve on:
Leave it in the oven for longer.

What We did good:
We Put a good topping on

Think We need to work on next time:
Cut the apple up into smaller pieces.
Image result for spiced apple muffins

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Wonder Pg 41-80

  1. Star Wars is one of Auggie’s passions. Why do you think this is? Because he likes space Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or to aspire to be like them?
  2. What questions did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked those questions? Because the principal gave them permission.
  3. Mr Browne’s September Precept was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind'. Do you agree with this precept? Explain. Yes because your not always gonna be right. Being kind is something you will always do instead of being right
  4. In the chapter One to Ten, August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. Explain why you think he was mad? Because he didn't know that his mum was going to send him to school.
  5. August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came. Why do you think they didn't go? Because of what he looked like.
  6. August says he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion? It means a strong disliked person or something. Why does Auggie have an aversion to having his picture taken? Because he doesn't like his face being shown.
  7. Why does no one want to touch August? How do you think this makes him feel? Sad and angry
  8. Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian? Yes
  9. Do you think August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next? Everyone will start to like him.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Wonder Pg 11-43

  1. What was August's one wish that he wanted? To be ordinary. If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? Nothing
  2. What do you think it means to be ordinary? What makes august extraordinary? That he is different to everyone else
  3. How do people react when they see Augusts face for the first time? calm. How would you react? calm
  4. August's dad said, "so sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter...."what does this mean? Explain He said lamb to the slaughter because he new something bad was going to happen
  5. Would you send august to school if you were his mum or dad? No because he would get bullied.
  6. What white lie did August's mum tell? Why did she do it? so august wouldn't get sad. Are white lies ok to tell? No
  7. August decided he liked Mrs. Garcia-when she wasn't wearing her shiny smile. What is a 'shiny smile'? A fake smile
  8. How does August know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? What are some of the ways Julian bullies August? Calling him names 

Safety Signs

                                      The Safety Signs

In tech we a have been learning about safety signs and what they mean.  

Hazard Sign. 

Prohibitive signs. A prohibitive sign means that it is restricted to do what the sign says. 
Mandatory Sign. A mandatory sign means you must do what the sign says.