
Thursday 13 April 2017

My graduate profile

Statistics investigation

Our slide on Statistics
My group made a poster with all the information about how long people spend outside then inside and we also made graphs to show what people said.

Discover the world Kupe-Reflection

what we have been learning we have been learning about Kupe was a great fisherman who lived in Hawaiki and kupe when fishing at hes favourite fishing ground and when pull up the line the bait has vanished. all the people where sad that there was no fish and no fisherman got fish.

Report on paperplanes

Report on paper planes

To make a plane that goes the further est

Image result for paper planes
I think it will go straight

We made a plane that had big wings so it could glide

Our groups plane went about 7 metres long

Maybe learn to throw it better and make it with and i have learned the forces for a paper plane

This is my Memoir

   First Day of school              
On the first day of school at hornby high year 7 it smelt fabulous and it looked like somewhere i had been before. When i was there it was really fun and we didn't do much work because it was our first day i made heaps of new friends on the first day and i still had my old friend s from primary school there as well and when it came to lunchtime i went to the gym and played some basketball and then went to the tuck shop to get a hot dog the was so nice and tasty it was delicious. After that it was time to go back to class and we had to put our stationary in trays  

As i walk from my house to school it is raining down really hard and it was really cold.

As i watched the nice bright sun as i fell asleep very slowly and quietly.

As i walked threw the school gate i heard the bell rang and i ran as fast as i can to class so i wouldn't be late.

I was so sad that i cried when i got there because it is my \first time there at my new school..