
Thursday 31 October 2019

Movies are better than books

  • shows you how the characters look  
  • it is a lot quicker than reading
  • it can be more interesting
  •  more entertaining 
  • you can read the subtitles
  • they take longer 
  • gives you full detail on what a character is doing
  • they are not as entertaining
 Are movies better than books? i think movies are because they are more entertaining then books, you can see what is happening and what the characters look like they are shorter than books and if you like to read and watch than you can read the subtitles. Books give you full detail on what is happening in the movie but are not as fun as movies they make your brain hurt when you read it for to long. Movies make you feel like your really there because you can see everything that is happening and what the characters sound like

In some ways books are good because you can learn how to read from them and they take longer so you can enjoy it more. Books make you imagine what is happening in your head and are better for your eyes whereas movies are sometimes bad for you if you watch them all the time. Movies take a lot of effort to make because of the CGI and the actors have to make sure that every scene is perfect so that it looks real enough to believe. Books don't take as much effort to make because they are just words unless the book has pictures in it you have to draw out and plan what they look like

Books to me are just boring and take up more time and movies are quicker and much more entertaining to watch so if i could choose one i would choose movies just because they are fun and they are much easier than books.


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