
Tuesday 24 July 2018

Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 2

1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?
Portia wants Bassanio to think it through before choosing the casket because if he chooses wrong casket Portia can't have Bassanio's casket anymore

2. What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets?
He doesn't choose gold because of a old tale involving this man called Midas where he touches everything will become gold even humans. For silver he doesn't choose it because it's the material coins are made out of and he thinks Portia worth more than just common coins and for lead I think he doesn't judge a book by its cover and it's humble.

3. What does Portia’s speech reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage.
I think she's trying say that when you get married to a woman, all the woman's belongings will be given to you now.

4. What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on?
 It depended on the caskets as well. I think what Gratiano is trying to say is that if Bassanio picked the right casket that means his fate with Nerissa would be getting married as well.

5. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news?
 She sees Bassanio with a pale face while reading the letter

6. What help does Portia offer straightaway?
She helps by doubling or tripling the amount of ducats that Shylock needed for the contract or else Antonio's heart will be removed.

7. Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
Because Shylock is really mad right now, having his daughter taken away from him and his money.

8. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth?
Yes I believe because Portia doesn't care about the outside of a man but the inside. Bassanio has a positive Attitude and he doesn't boast about how rich he is.

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