
Thursday 5 December 2019

The Crush English Assignment

The Crush English Assignment

Panning: The camera shot you just saw when it was showing the class
is called a panning shot this is the movement of the camera when it swivels
from left to right, or right to left. 

Focus: This shot here is called a focus shot. The sharpness of an image.
To focus the camera by adjusting the lens so that It gives a sharper image.
This makes the audience focus on the character or object.

Close up: This shot is a close-up shot. in film making it is a type of
shot that tightly frames a person or object. Close-ups display the most
details and makes the audience feel like they are looking into the characters

Low shot: This shot is called a low-angle shot, This is a shot from a camera
angle positioned low, anywhere below the eye line, looking up at something
or someone.

Body Language: This shot here is showing that the character feels angry
and jealous 

Thursday 31 October 2019

Movies are better than books

  • shows you how the characters look  
  • it is a lot quicker than reading
  • it can be more interesting
  •  more entertaining 
  • you can read the subtitles
  • they take longer 
  • gives you full detail on what a character is doing
  • they are not as entertaining
 Are movies better than books? i think movies are because they are more entertaining then books, you can see what is happening and what the characters look like they are shorter than books and if you like to read and watch than you can read the subtitles. Books give you full detail on what is happening in the movie but are not as fun as movies they make your brain hurt when you read it for to long. Movies make you feel like your really there because you can see everything that is happening and what the characters sound like

In some ways books are good because you can learn how to read from them and they take longer so you can enjoy it more. Books make you imagine what is happening in your head and are better for your eyes whereas movies are sometimes bad for you if you watch them all the time. Movies take a lot of effort to make because of the CGI and the actors have to make sure that every scene is perfect so that it looks real enough to believe. Books don't take as much effort to make because they are just words unless the book has pictures in it you have to draw out and plan what they look like

Books to me are just boring and take up more time and movies are quicker and much more entertaining to watch so if i could choose one i would choose movies just because they are fun and they are much easier than books.


Thursday 24 October 2019

Team sports are better than individual sports

Team sports:
It is easier working together.
if you win you can celebrate as a team. 
you get to learn how to work as a team.
teammates give you motivation to try your best.

Individual sports:

It can be hard because you don't have support from teammates.
in individual sports you don't learn to work as a team.

               Team sports are better than individual sports

Are team sports better than individual sports? I think team sports are better because you have to work together as a team to win and you have to use strategies as a team to beat the opposition. I also think that team sports are a lot easier because you have teammates to help you and in individual sports you don't have any teammates to help you, you have to do everything yourself.

There are a lot more team sports than individual sports like basketball, rugby, football, cricket, volleyball and lot more but individual sports are only like tennis, golf and boxing 

It depends on what the person likes, if they like playing sports by themselves than they will like individual sports. But if they like working together in a team than they will like team sports a lot more. Individual and team sports are both great but i prefer team sports.     

Tuesday 15 October 2019

The South Island is better than the North Island

Good things about the South Island:                        Bad things about the South Island:
  • It is more flat than the north.                               The roads aren't as good as the north island.
  • There are more farms.                                         It is not as green as the north island.
  • It doesn't rain as much.                                        Transport is not as good as the north
  • City's in the south island are not as big.               
Good things about the North Island:                       Bad things about the North Island:
  • It is more green.                                                 More mountains.
  • Roads are better than the South.                        Not as much farms.
  • There is more stuff to do in the north.                Lots of rain.          
  • Bigger city's.                                                      
  • Better Transport
                      The South Island is better than the North Island

Is the south island better than the north island. I think the south is better than the north because it is more flat and there are more farms and animals. There is also not as much people in the south because the south doesn't have very big city's it has more country. The south has a mix of everything it has mountains, forests, farm land and city's it also doesn't rain as much as the north that is why it is very dry and hot in the south island.

The north island it is more Big city's and is a lot more green because it rains heaps and it is cold. But there are some good things about the north island there is better transport and the roads are better and there are more things to do in the north.

Natural Environment (Plants & Animals)

All Zoos should be shut down to release animals back into their natural habitat

Points for: 
The animals will be in their own habitat and they can be free.
They wont have to be trapped in one place for the rest of their life.

Points against:
It will be dangerous for them to live out in the wild.
They will have to hunt to get food. 

Should all zoos be shut down to release all animals to their natural habitat

I think that Zoos should release all animals so that they can go back to their natural habitats so they can live by themselves and be free without being trapped inside a cage so that people can look at them all day. I think it will be better for the animals because they can experience what it is like to live in the wild and they can learn how to survive.

But there are some bad things about releasing all animals from zoos. If they release all the animals the population will go down because of all the animals that lived in the zoo wont know how to live in the wild 

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Spring looks like blossoms
Spring tastes like fruit and honey
Spring smells like daffodils 
Spring feels like the warm sun
Spring sounds like birds chirping

Summer looks like the sun
Summer tastes like air
Summer smells like food
Summer feels like a hot day
Summer sounds like water 

Autumn looks like leaves
Autumn tastes like air
Autumn smells like fresh
Autumn feels like leaves 
Autumn sounds like leaves falling

Winter looks like snow
Winter tastes like ice
Winter smells like fresh air
Winter feels like cold 

Winter sounds like wind

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Living on the coast is better than living in the mountains

Points for:
You will be closer to the beach.
It will be easier to drive around.

Points against:
In winter it will be very cold.
If there is an earthquake there might be a tsunami.
There could be a flood.
   Is living on the coast better than living in the mountains

Both places to live are great but if i was to choose i would live on the coast because you are closer to the beach and It also will be a lot easier to drive home because there are no mountains to drive over. And in the summer when it is really hot you can just step out of your house and go for a swim. There are a lot of good things about living on the coast like swimming, going for walks, and hanging with friends. And if you have pets you can just go for a walk down the beach. But if you live in the mountains and you have pets there won't be many places to take them for walks because of all the uphill and downhills on the mountains.

But there are also bad things about living on the coast like if there is a earthquake there might be a tsunami or a flood. And in winter it will be very cold because of the ocean and the cold breeze coming off the water. but if you want to live in the mountains it will be very cold as well because you are at a high altitude. both places are very cold to live but i think still think that living on the coast is better. 

Monday 19 August 2019

Write that Essay 12 Sentences

WALT: Identify WTE sentences to improve our writing.

The Simple Sentence: Hornby High school will be moving to the new buildings.

Very Short Sentence: Hornby is moving to Nga Kahui.

The Power Sentence: Hornby moving to the new buildings will give the students a different experience.

Red, White and Blue: Students moving into the new buildings will feel different, weird, and uncomfortable.

The Adverb start: Interestingly, the new buildings will be different.

Begin with a preposition: In, the new buildings students will have new things.

The -ing start: Having the new buildings will be good for the students.

The -ed start: Committed to have a new learning experience.

The Semi-colon: Hornby are getting some new buildings; they will be good

The em-dash: The new Nga Kahui buildings--brilliantly bought--has remained popular throughout the school.

The W-start: With the new buildings almost done we are excited.

Explore the subject: Nga Kahui, the new buildings, are almost done.

Friday 16 August 2019

Drugs should be allowed in sports

              Drugs should be allowed in sports 

Points against:
There will be too much people taking the drugs and they will get disqualified for cheating.
It wont be fair for the athletes because other players will have an advantage.
The drugs could affect your health if you take too much.

Points for:
The drugs can help you play better.
It will give you an advantage for the sport.

I think that drugs should not be allowed in sports because it will not be fair for other players and it will affect peoples health if they take drugs it will also lead to more people getting addicted to the drugs.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Persuasive Writing

EthosPathos, and Logos are types of persuasion used to convince audiences. Ethos means to convince an audience of the author's credibility or character. Pathos means something that brings pity or sadness and Logos means logic.

1. What are we doing? We are describing what pathos ethos and logos mean 
2. Why are we doing it? To learn how to write better
3.What questions do i have? None

English What Have I Learned

 What have i been learning? How to write better and gather ideas through paragraphs.

 How have i been learning it? By writing a class essay. 

 Why have i been learning it?
To respond to written text with an essay and to write better.              

What have i been learning? How to write a good introduction.

How have i been learning it? By writing with the class .

Why have i been learning it? To get better at essays.


Thursday 25 July 2019

English Critical Literacy

What is the Text about? The text is about the difference of having power and no power the text has a picture of a girl sitting in a room were there is one side that is dark and cold and another side that has power and is warm.

How do we know? We know the difference between having no power and warmth to having power  being able to cook and be warm.

What does the author of this text want us to know? They want us to know that there are people who have no power and not enough money for the winter to keep warm.

Monday 25 March 2019

Art printmaking

In Art we have been learning about print making we had to cut lino and then put ink on it so we could transfer it to a piece of paper. 


Monday 11 March 2019

Critical Literacy

What am i learning? I am learning about critical literacy.
How does this show my learning? It helps me tell if some things are true or false and i can see the background of it.
What am i wondering? i am wondering if this will help me in the future after i finish school.

  •  I learnt about what critical literacy means.
  •  How to use critical literacy.

Shakespeare 1 2k19

1.     Where was Shakespeare born? Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom

2.     What date did he die? 23 April 1616

3.     What was the name for primary school in Shakespeare’s time?

4.     How many brothers and sisters did Shakespeare have? 7
5.     What were the names of his two of his sisters? Mary and Anne

6.     How old was he when he died? 51
7.     What was the name of the house he retired to in Stratford upon Avon? New Place
8.     What were the names of his 3 children? Hamnet, Judith, Susanna

9.     Name 3 subjects he studied at school. Latin, English,

    10.   What was his mother’s maiden name?  Arden

Paris goebel

1. Who is Parris Goebel?

1/A: Parris  is a New Zealand-born choreographer, dancer, singer, director and actress. Her dance crew The Royal Family has won the World Hip Hop Dance Championship three times.
2. Where did she grow up?

2/A: She grew up in Manurewa, Auckland.

3. How/when did she study dance?

3/A: Parris goebel study dance at a young age.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

My Culture


This Health unit we are learning about Hauora and Taha Wairua/Spiritual Well being. Spiritual well being means the values and beliefs that determine the way people live search for meaning and purpose in life and personal identity and self-awareness

Wednesday 13 February 2019


1. Have you improved your understanding of tone/shading? Yes
2.Do you understand that drawing using structure can help you draw better? Yes
3. What are you going to work on going forward in pencil drawings in and out of class? I am going to work on my shading.