
Monday 3 December 2018

Passion Project - Move to Improve

Initial Goal:  my goal I want to improve on my speed and agility and being stronger for my sports.

What have I learnt about myself?

I believe that I have become mentally stronger when pushing through physical activities when I get tired. In the 12 min run I only broke the run 2 times.

What have I learnt about fitness?
I find fitness hard because I got tired easily but I would tell myself to keep giving 100%

What have you learnt about nutrition?
I learnt that's healthy food is good for you because it helps with fitness

I learnt a lot of this information through my Passion Project- Move to Improve. If in future I want to play rugby union professionally I would be able to use the information I have learnt as a foundation for my health and fitness.


Since starting this project my speed in running has improved and my strength and agility

Friday 28 September 2018

John Britten Social Studies

  1. Go-kart is a type of open-wheel car. kiln a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying. Entrepreneur a promoter in the entertainment industry. Flair a special or instinctive aptitude or ability for doing something well. Melanoma a tumour of especially a malignant tumour associated with skin cancer. Posthumously after the death of the originator. Aerodynamics the properties of a solid object regarding the manner in which air flows around it. Honorary conferred as an honour without the usual requirements or functions. 
  2. Design plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. The importance of design in today's society. ... Design can improve the way your business operates. An effective design is one that grabs the attention of the target audience, including current and prospective clients. Businesses that undervalue the importance of design may be missing important and enriching.
  3. Britten motorcycles, 

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Film Study (Setting to the film and plot)

  Understand the importance of setting
Importance of the Setting. Setting is the time and place where a scene occurs
It can help set the mood, influence the way characters behave.

                                          Dragon heart Plot
Disillusioned knight Bowen befriends Draco the last of the dragons
and the two begin scamming village folk as Bowen repeatedly
kills Draco for money. Bowen soon learns that Draco is the same dragon
who once saved his former student, now King Einon from death by giving
him a piece of his heart. Einon is now a merciless tyrant and Bowen is
compelled to stop him but the bond between king and dragon means if
one dies the other does as well.

Film Study (Visual and sound techniques)

 Sound techniquesSound techniques are like language techniques as they add variety to make objects come alive and help the reader to experience the situation and/or character as fully as possible. Techniques can include: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm

  • Shots. Camera Shots: A camera shot is the amount of space that is seen in one shot or frame....
  • Camera Movement. Camera Movement: is something we interpret without thinking about it of Cinematic Techniques....
  • Camera Angles....
  • Editing....
  • Sound and Lighting....
  • Diegetic and Non-Diegetic sound.

Film Study (Camera techniques)

Language of film

Cinema uses shots shot sequences, scenes and dramatic sequences.
The language of cinema starts with the shot. In film and video a
shot is a series of still image frames that runs for an uninterrupted period of time.
Like a letter in written language the shot is the smallest piece of visual language.

     11 Camera Techniques in Film making
-Close up
When you take a photo close up
-Medium close up
Taking a photo close up but not as much
- Medium shot
Taking a photo the between far and close
- Mid Shot
Taking a photo in the middle of something
- Long wide shot
Where you take a photo from far
Extreme long shot
Form the head to the feet and showing the ground
Long angle shot
Head to waist but the camera is by your legs
High angle
Where you have your camera high
Eye level
Where your camera is at eye level
Over head
Where your camera is over your head

Monday 17 September 2018

Ryley Fair trading act

What is fair trading?
There are some basic principles that all fair trade goods must abide by. The production of these foods the most common being cocoa, coffee, bananas, tea, and sugar must be free of forced labour or poor working conditions for labourers.


  1. What is the Fair Trading Act? The Fair Trading Act 1986 is a statute of New Zealand. Its purpose is to encourage competition and to protect consumers/customers from misleading and deceptive conduct and unfair trade practices.
  2. What is the commerce commission’s goal? The Commerce Commission is a New Zealand government agency charged with enforcing legislation that promotes competition in the country's markets and prohibits misleading and deceptive conduct by traders. 
  3. Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action?
What are the two groups the act applies to?
Businesses and the consumer.

Understand Your Compliance Obligations 

1. What do the acts apply to?
To anyone in trade including overseas that supply goods or services in land within New Zealand

2. Does it only apply if you intend to deceive?
I think yes because the act prevents any kind of false accusations or any misleading information.

3. Whose "shoes" must the business put themselves into?
 I think the business has to put themselves into the commerce commission's shoes because the commerce commission enforces the Fair Trading Act and to do that they must be in reach of the business

4. What is the commission empowered to do?
The commission enforces the Fair Trading Act preventing consumers to buy misleading products or buying it for a high price than it should be.

Friday 24 August 2018

Poi Social Studies

Poi (Maori instrument/Weapon)...
You will need:

  • White plastic bag.
  • Black/white or duck tape Tape.
  • 3 piece of wool.
  • Plat the wool.
  • Fluf in the plastic bag.
Poi refers to both a style of performing art and the equipment used for engaging in
poi performance. As a performance art, poi involves swinging tethered weights
through a variety of rhythmical and geometric patterns. Poi artists may also sing or
Image result for poi photo
dance while swinging their poi.Image result for poi photoPOI is the Maori word for ball on a cord
The POI was used many years ago by the indigenous Maori people of
New Zealand to increase their flexibility and strength in their hands
and arms as well as improving coordination.

Wahine (female) dancers perform the Maori POI a dance performed with balls attached to flax strings swung rhythmically. Those pictured to the right are using short POI.

Social Studies

Thursday 16 August 2018


Communicate what you have learnt and how you will apply what you know to the Year 9 Business Kete...

1. What did you learn about ?

I learnt what Mindfulness and body cues means.

Being mindful taught me to try and understand people more and try and talk to people more about there feelings or how there feeling.
Being aware of body cues can help by understanding the person and how they are feeling or what they are feeling.

2. Was there anything you felt difficult to understand?

It was difficult to understand information about Mindfulness because at first i didn't know what it mean't but then i did a little research and then i ended knowing a little bit of Mindfulness and a lot more about body cues.

I over came this by learning more about Mindfulness and Body cues, so that next time when someone asks what Mindfulness or Body cues mean i can answer back with a answer.

3. When you were talking to a class mate how did you know how they were feeling?

When communicating with my partner i noticed his facial expression wasn't happy but then it was sad or angry so i started to notice by the way he was talking, he was feeling bored.

I could tell they felt this way because he wasn't Angry, Sad, or happy, so i saw that he was feeling bored.

Try see what my character is feeling by clicking the link.

4. How can you apply your new knowledge to your business kete?

During the Business and Enterprise Kete I will be able to show Mindfulness and body cues.
I will do this by showing Mindfulness and body cues.


Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein.

Equipment: Test tube, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), copper sulfate (CuSO4), food sample.


* Place about 2mL of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
* Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.
* shake the test tube gently form side to side.

Results: If the solution remains blue, then no protein is present. If the solution changes to a Purple colour then protein is present in the sample.

Here are our results:

Friday 10 August 2018

Shakespeare Act 4 Scene 1

1. The Duke believes that Shylock will claim his bond without showing mercy

2. Shylock wants to claim his bond because Antonio couldn't pay the money back in time.

3. The Duke can dismiss the court session unless the judge comes which is Portia

4. I think Portia is saying to show mercy because it's a blessing and it's the most powerful thing.

5. Shylock now has to give in to Christianity and he loses all his possessions but the money will be given to the state and Antonio

6. Antonio says to tell tales on how much he is a friend to Bassanio

7. Portia convinced Bassanio to get his ring off him where he promise never to take it off to his wife (Portia was in Disguise therefore Bassanio didn't know it was Portia)

8. Portia is trying to show as much mercy as she could so Shylock doesn't have to suffer any consequences

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 5

Act Three Scene Five

1. Because you can still get punished if your father committed any sins.

2. She thinks having Portia as a wife is a blessing as he found heaven on earth.

Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 4

Act Three Scene Four

1. Lorenzo's opinion on Antonio is that he is a wonderful and faithful man

2. She intends to use money to save Antonio

3. Portia asks Lorenzo to look after her house because she said that she will live a life of prayers and contemplation until her husband Bassaino comes back.

4. I think it's because Portia thinks that if Antonio is her husband best friend they must be alike

5. I think woman back then couldn't enter the court room or their opinions were just avoided.

6. She would wear her sword gracefully, speak like a teenage boy and walk with a manly stride.

7. During the court room, no 

Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 3

1. Antonio believes that Shylock wants to claim his bond is because he gives money to people that haven't payed their loans to Shylock.

2. Because apparently it threatens the security of foreign merchants in Venice.

3.  I think it's because he doesn't care what happens to him and Shylock keeps on insisting claiming his bond.

4.  I think Antonio has a bit of hate towards Bassanio because he says "I hope to God that Bassaino comes to see me pay his debt" It's kind of phrase with no kindness in it

5. Mercy isn't really the same as forgiveness because mercy is where you forgive them but not fully forgive them while forgiveness is which you just forgive them fully.

Thursday 2 August 2018


LO: Communicate what you have learnt and how you will apply what you know to the Year 9 Business Kete...
1. What did you learn about?
I learnt how to be resilience.
My favorite saying connected to resilience is never give up.

2. Was there anything you felt difficult to understand? why?
It was difficult to understand information about resilience.
Because i didn't really understand what resilience meant at the beginning.

3. How did you relate to the video “Who Moved My Cheese”?
he video “Who moved my Cheese” is about 2 mice and 2 mini people the 2 mice were called Sniff n scurry, and the 2 Little people were called Hem n Haw.
It taught me that what ever happens in life you just have to get back up and carry on until you find what you were looking for.

4. How can you apply your new knowledge to the Business Kete?
During the Business and Enterprise Kete I will be able to show what resilience means.
I will do this by putting a group together and make something that relates to resilience.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 2

1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?
Portia wants Bassanio to think it through before choosing the casket because if he chooses wrong casket Portia can't have Bassanio's casket anymore

2. What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets?
He doesn't choose gold because of a old tale involving this man called Midas where he touches everything will become gold even humans. For silver he doesn't choose it because it's the material coins are made out of and he thinks Portia worth more than just common coins and for lead I think he doesn't judge a book by its cover and it's humble.

3. What does Portia’s speech reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage.
I think she's trying say that when you get married to a woman, all the woman's belongings will be given to you now.

4. What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on?
 It depended on the caskets as well. I think what Gratiano is trying to say is that if Bassanio picked the right casket that means his fate with Nerissa would be getting married as well.

5. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news?
 She sees Bassanio with a pale face while reading the letter

6. What help does Portia offer straightaway?
She helps by doubling or tripling the amount of ducats that Shylock needed for the contract or else Antonio's heart will be removed.

7. Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
Because Shylock is really mad right now, having his daughter taken away from him and his money.

8. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth?
Yes I believe because Portia doesn't care about the outside of a man but the inside. Bassanio has a positive Attitude and he doesn't boast about how rich he is.

Monday 2 July 2018

Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 1

1. Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica's flight?
I think it's because Shylock believes that Solanio and Salerio have a close relationship to Jessica. Solanio and Salerio didn't report the disappearance of Jessica to Shylock           

2. What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio?
Tubal says these followings lines "Well, other men have bad luck too. Antonio, as I heard in Genoa

3. Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica?  
I think Shylock is looking for Lorenzo and Jessica because Jessica left with Lorenzo on a ship full of jewellery.

4. Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose?
They plan to meet at the synagogue and their purpose is to take Antonio's heart because it's the deadline for the contract.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Shakespeare Act 2 Scene 7,8,9

Act Two Scene 7

1. Price of Morocco thinks that the golden casket contains Portia's portrait because on the golden casket it says "He who chooses me will get what many men want." Also the Prince of Morocco thinks that the other caskets, silver and lead isn't worth Portia.

2. She feels confident that the Prince of Morocco won't pick the correct one and she is right. At the end she doesn't feel nervous at all because she knows he isn't going to choose the right casket.

3. I think Shylock (Jessica's Father) is trying to get rid of men who is greedy for Jessica and making them not able to marry anymore so there are less people like that. It seems like it's working since everybody has chosen the wrong one so far.

Act Two Scene 8

1. Jessica left Shylock and stole his ducats (Money) in the form of jewellery.

2. Shylock thinks that Jessica and Lorenzo are in Bassanio's ship

3.  Bassanio and Antonio part by having Bassanio checking on a rumour that a ship full of treasure sunk in the English channel.

Act Two Scene 9

1. I think it's a riddle trying to trick greedy people and maybe some idiots as well so they don't get their hands on Portia.

2. The Prince of Aragon thinks that the phrase on the golden casket is a trick because it says "What many men desire" and he thinks the "many" are fools or he thinks it just money.

3. I guess Portia is excited for Bassanio's arrival and I think she wants Bassanio to choose the right casket.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Shakespeare Act 2 Scene 6

1. How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will 
be there that evening?
Launcelot talks to Shylock then quickly whispers to Jessica that there will be a Christian worth a Jewess glance outside the window.

2. What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?
A box of treasure like full of jewellery.

3. Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?
For the masquerade and everybody is looking for him

Monday 25 June 2018

Shakespeare Act 2 Scene 3,4,5

Act 2 Scene 3

1. Jessica states that it's hell in her house.

2. She is marrying Lorenzo so she could end the agony and become Christian

Act 2 Scene 4

1.  She asks Launcelot who is leaving the house to deliver the letter to Lorenzo

2. She will be disguised as a boy

Act 2 Scene 5

1. Shylock says that they are just going to flatter him.
Also the place Shylock is going to it's full of Christians.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Home economics Mee goreng

Image result for mee goreng

On Tuesday 19th of June we made Mee goreng

Who i cooked with: Gary Manase and Ansh

Something positive: it tasted good

What you need 

  • 3 tbsp oyster sauce 320ml
  • 3 tbsp tomato sauce 
  • 2 tsp Sweet chili sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed 
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 200g beef or pork schnitzel, sliced 
  • 2 tsp oil
  • fresh or dried noodles for 4 people 
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten 
  • 2 spring onions finely chopped 
  • 1 cup mung bean sprouts
  • 1/4 green cabbage, finely sliced (about 2-3 cups)